Monday, February 2, 2015

Pregnancy::First Trimester

   Ok, I would be very honest to you about this one during my first trimester, I didn't even know that I already have a baby.
   I don't know if I'm stupid or what, my mother and my friends even asks  "how come you didn't know you're pregnant at the very first or second month?"
    My answer :: My menstruation isn't regular like most of the women out there and to top it off, I didn't have any cravings, mood swings, morning sickness and such, the only thing I felt was a sudden dizziness which I blamed on not sleeping during that time, I was really clueless.
   On the third month, that's when I already have suspicions that I might be pregnant so I said to myself that within this month, if I still don't have my menstruation I would buy a pregnancy test kit to make sure.
   At the end of the month it was confirmed that I really am pregnant, so I went to the health center near us to have a prenatal check-up without spending money, they gave me ferrous sulfate with folic acid and told me to come again next month they also gave me a pure filipino (tagalog) baby book..

(given by health center)

   This is actually kind of healthful to me since its already packed with information about how to take care of your baby and track down your progress.
   Ask your pedia or OBgyne to give you one of this if they didn't give you any, and make sure that the one they gave you is the one you can fully understand, and comfortable with.


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