Sunday, February 22, 2015

Baby's Second Month

  Janzinni's second month was not so much, because like before, when she was still a month old, she sleeps and eats as usual, the only things that differ were; she would have her vaccine (BCG and OPV) and we are going home in Quirino Province, this would be her first long hour trip so I was hesitant at first.
  Why hesitant.? because according to my sister-in-law, a baby can't be on a travel for  more than 3 hours or so, according to the book she have read, the sudden change in air-pressure could heighten the chances of your child to be deaf, not to mention that the sudden change of temperature from Baguio City (cold) to Quirino Province (Humid) can give her a flu or something, and of course no mother would want that ,so I did a little research.
  According to a certain site it is fine as long as you make sure that baby's things are all set. The things you needed are listed below.(this list is not only for travelling inside your country but also internationally)


disposable baby wipes
> disposable diapers / cloth diaper
> baby's jacket
> baby blanket / blanket cover (breastfeeding cover)
> 2 trash bag (if you are using cloth diaper, make sure your wet is very accessible)
> water for you and your baby (baby feeding bottle)
> highly accessible extra clothes (for baby and you)

*better put this things in a separate bag*

*during plane travel, the rising pressure might make your baby uncomfortable, the solution in here is to feed her liquids (water, breast milk, formula milk)

  As for baby's vaccine, I suggest you dressed her up appropriately like making sure her thighs (where they inject your baby) is accessible, a frogsuit / overall is totally not recommended. During vaccination there were no problems at all, its all normal like she cries after they inject the needle and such,if you are carrying an older baby you might want to bring some cookies / foods that your baby likes in order to soothe her/him after the vaccination.
  The real nightmare starts after a few hours of vaccination, because it (thigh) would be swollen and your baby would normally have a fever, but you don't need to worry about his/her fever yet, because it's normal not unless the fever didn't go away after you gave her medicine (paracetamol).
  It's really a must to have a paracetamol on-hand for your baby before his/her vaccination for it would act like a pain killer.
  During Samantha's first vaccination, it was really a nightmare for we don't have a paracetamol at that time, my husband is taking the afternoon shift at work (3 pm-12 am), and no one could possibly buy the medicine, Samantha's been crying that whole afternoon after she woke-up, I don't know what to do, so to ease her pain I boiled water and did a hot compress until her medicine arrive.
 The next day she was well and cheerful again,but I'm still worried because her thigh, which was injected , is still kind of swollen inside, like there was something hard inside her muscles or something, so I asked a kind friend of mine who was a nurse and she said, that I might not have massage it right after the vaccination, and to soften the hard thing or something like lump in her thighs, I should do a hot compress on her again, on that very afternoon the lump like thing in her thighs were gone.

*//here in the Philippines, the most recommended brand of paracetamol which is highly effective to lower your baby's fever is tempra//*


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