Monday, February 2, 2015

Pregnancy : Third / Final Trimester

  I will tell you honestly this is the most exciting and boring part of your pregnancy why boring.? This is the part when you think that the time is running so slow, specially during you 7th and 8th months of pregnancy, its like the time is not running at all (specially if you are an at-home-person), and you want to pull the time so that you would be able to hug and kiss your baby.
  During this time of your pregnancy just continue your less carbs and less sugar diet you might also want to walk around and try to avoid having your siesta (afternoon nap), so that you would lessen the risk of giving birth through c-section.
 One of the exercise that my husband's aunt taught me was doing the open  squat and stand exercise, she said this will help to make your vulva (vagina's opening) to be more stretchable and ready for your baby.

squat and stand exercise

    On the last month of my pregnancy, I started to get nervous and excited like how should I push my baby, what would she look like and hope she would get out of me in a healthy condition and normal and things like that.
   Because of my nervousness that I wouldn't know how to push my baby, I ask around to my nurse friends and to my friends who already gave birth, which was a very HUGE MISTAKE, why.? because when the time of giving birth has come I always kinda check if its painful if its get painful I push which was WRONG, definitely wrong I was better off not knowing how to push.
(*on my upcoming blogs, I will also share to the filipino beliefs during and after pregnancies which is kinda funny and cool and weird at the same time*)

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